FRMS Forum San Francisco – 1st and 2nd October 2019
30th September 2019
18:30 to 20:30 Cocktail party – sponsored by The FRMS Forum.
A cocktail reception for all delegates registered for the Forum’s conference, will be held in the hotel. It will start at 18:30.
Delegates are invited to explore San Francisco’s excellent restaurants for their dinner afterwards.
Please register your place for the cocktail party at the same time as you register for the conference on the website
Day 1 –1st October 2019 at the Hyatt Hotel, Embarcadero, San Francisco..
09:00 Welcome. Douglas Mellor. FRMSc Limited, United Kingdom
09:15 The Canadian Approach to regulating for FRMS. Rosalie Kamp FRMS Project,
National Programs, Technical Program Evaluation and Coordination Transport Canada.
10:00 Effectiveness of Flight Time Limitations. Report on EU Study. Daniel Coutellier, EASA.
10:30 Schedule Factors Associated with the Use of Controlled Rest in a Long haul Airline
Dr. Erin Flynn-Evans and Dr. Cassie Hilditch NASA AMES
11:00 BREAK
11:30: Controlled Rest. CX/KAs actions following the publication of the FSF FCWG Controlled
Rest Paper. Nina McGrath Group Safety Manager – FRMS. Cathay Pacific.
12:00 Panel discussion on the current use of Controlled Rest.
Moderator – Darrell Myers President ALPL Luxembourg
12:30 LUNCH
14:00 Fatigue, workload and behavioural markers; Panel session.
Moderator: Jim Mangie Delta Airlines.
15:00 New Prescriptive limit in Japan and its background.
Capt Kazuhiko Matsumoto and Masato Nagai. All Nippon Airways
15:30 BREAK
16:15 Personal mitigation strategies to get through this month’s schedule. How do you set yourself up to win?
A panel session. Moderator: Darrell Myers, President ALPL Luxembourg.
17:00 FINISH
19:30 Networking Dinner. A networking dinner has been arranged at the hotel and is included in the conference package for all delegates.
Day 2 – 2nd October 2019
09:00 Welcome back. Douglas Mellor. FRMSc Limited, UK.
09:15 Current Status of Fatigue Management in The U.S.- Representatives from United Airlines,
FedEx, UPS, Southwest Airlines, American Airlines and Delta Air Lines.
Moderator: Jim Mangie Delta Airlines
Each rep will give a 5-7 minute presentation followed by a panel discussion and questions from the audience
10:00 Fatigue Risk Indicators of the Brazilian Regular Aviation: First Results from Fadigômetro Research Project
Captain Tulio Rodrigues, PhD – Gol Airline Crew Member Association – ASAGOL, Brazil
10:30 BREAK
11:15 Preparing an application for FRMS, for a ULR operation.
Capt. Greg Fallow Air New Zealand
11:45 FRMS in Business & Corporate Aviation. A Panel session.
Moderator: Joel Hencks. Aero-Ex.
12:30 LUNCH
14:00 Confessions of FRMS Practitioners. Some experiences of how the processes actually work (or don’t).
Panel session. Moderator: Kathryn Jones UK CAA
15:00 Constructing a risk assessment table for long haul operations.
Moritz Senkspiel, Lufthansa Cargo Operations.
15:30 FINISH and Networking Refreshments
16:00 – 16:30 FRMS Forum Annual General Meeting