Santiago, Chile
17th to 20th March 2025
We are pleased to announce that the 2025 FRMS Forum meeting will be held at the Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Convention Center starting with a welcoming cocktail party during the early evening of 17th March and finishing at lunchtime on 20th March 2025. The event will include a half-day local-interest excursion on 19th March.
Please add this date to your diary now.
Each delegate should register to attend. Log in to your account and complete the conference registration form.
Please note: you will need an active membership to attend this event.
If your membership has lapsed, you may still be able to log into the website and renew your membership.
If you are new to the FRMS Forum, please go to the Join Us page where you can join and be provided with access details to the members area. Contact us or email us at if you experience any difficulty with renewing your membership.
Note that the membership year is 1st January to 31st December of any year. All memberships renew on 1st January.
As usual, the deal will be to book your hotel room directly with the hotel by following the link provided with your acknowledgement after you register for the conference and book your conference package with The FRMS Forum.
The Conference Package
The conference package covers everything except the cost of the overnight stay in one of the hotel rooms. This comprises a share of costs of the venue and audio-visual equipment; refreshments at break times and lunches on both days, and the networking dinner (with an aperitif and glass or three of wine) on 18th March.
The cost of the conference package is being determined.
There will also be a cocktail party between 18:30 and 20:30 on the evening of 17th March that is sponsored by The FRMS Forum. All delegates and their partners are welcome to attend as part of the event. To make sure you get a drink, please check in at the registration desk outside the designated room for the party to collect your badge. The badge is “the link to the drink”.
Registration will open soon
Hotel Rooms
Our agreement with the hotel comprises of rooms (with breakfast) at this hotel for USD165 per night for single occupancy excluding taxes. You can take nights both before and after the event in case you wish to enjoy some time off in the city. A link to book the hotel will be provided once registration is open.