FRMS Forum Madrid
Melia Castille Hotel
21st – 22nd March 2023
20th March 2023
18:00 to 18:30 Welcome glass of CAVA – Sponsored by The Melia Hotel
The Melia Hotel has kindly offered all delgates a glass of CAVA sparking wine. This will be made available before the Forum reception cocktail party (below), and in the same room.
18:30 to 20:30 Cocktail party – sponsored by The FRMS Forum.
A cocktail reception for all delegates registered for the Forum’s conference, will be held in the hotel. It will start at 18:30 for two hours only.
Delegates are invited to explore Madrid’s excellent restaurants or at the hotel for their dinner afterwards.
Please register your place for the cocktail party at the same time as you register for the conference on the website
Day 1 –21st March 2023
09:00 Welcome. Douglas Mellor. FRMSc Limited,
09:15 FRMS in Spain: How FRMS is evolving throughout Spain and the challenges this brings
(i) the view from the regulator’s perspective – Justo Hernández Soto, AESA
(ii) The effect of fatigue on pilot performance – Captain Santiago Oviedo, Vueling Airlines
(iii) the view from the cockpit – Gustavo Barba, COPAC
10:30 Presentation in IFALPA’s new Fatigue Management Training Course – Captain Darrell Myers, President ALPL Luxembourg
11:00 Break
11:30: Lessons learned with the Approach to FRMS Regulation in UK. – David Campbell UK CAA
12:00 Safety Performance Indicators that (begin to) make more sense for monitoring fatigue – Loukia Loukopoulou, Human Performance & FRM, SWISS Int’l Air Lines
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Dealing with FRMS in times of Crisis Panel session. Moderator: Jim Mangie Delta Airlines
i. Actions taken during COVID and why we should do better next time – Jim Mangie, Delta
ii. COVID disruption and what Cathay is doing to recover – Nina McGrath, Cathay Pacific
iii. Is every day a “Crisis”? The every-day hassle factors Gustavo Barba, COPAC
Panel and audience discussion
15:30 Break
16:15 FRMS in Business & Corporate Aviation. A Panel session. Moderator: Joel Hencks, Aero-Ex.
17:00 Finish
19:00 for 19:30: NETWORKING DINNER.
A networking dinner with pre-dinner drinks and wine has been arranged at the hotel and is included in the conference package for all delegates. We will be entertained by The Madrid Jazz band.
Day 2 – 22nd March 2022
09:00 Welcome back. Douglas Mellor. FRMSc Limited.
Research Session: Moderator – Jim Mangie
09:05 Fatigue in US short-haul operations: Pilot perspectives and current research. Dr. Cassie Hilditch NASA AMES Research Center/San Jose State University
09:30 Fatigue Risk Management Plan as part of the certification for the route AKL – JFK. Marina Kunz Air New Zealand.
10:00 Is caffeine gum an effective countermeasure to sleep inertia? Dr. Karen Robertson, QinetiQ Limited
10:30 Break
11:15 Fatigue Mitigation during the Optimisation process – Adrienne Philips Delta Airlines
11:45 Panel Session – Balancing the work/life imbalance – Lessons Learnt and Future Challenges – Moderator – Barbara Stone FRMSc Limited
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Emerging Technologies for Data Collection in FRMS. Jaime K Devine, IBR inc
14:20 New Technology Developments. Eye tracking has matured. Is it at a stage where users can move away from traditional methods for measuring fatigue? A presentation and discussion. Jim Mangie, Delta Airlines and Mike Lenne, Seeing Machines
15:00 Break
15:30 Views from the delegates. Are there any signs that fatigue management is having a significant impact on aviation safety? Moderator: Darrell Myers, President, Luxembourg Pilots’ Union
16:15 Finish
16:45 FRMS Forum Annual General Meeting