30th March 2020
18:30 to 20:30 Cocktail party – sponsored by The FRMS Forum.
A cocktail reception for all delegates registered for the Forum’s conference, will be held in the hotel. It will start at 18:30.
Delegates are invited to explore Auckland’s excellent restaurants for their dinner afterwards. Please register your place for the cocktail party at the same time as you register for the conference on the website
31st March 2020
Cordis Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand
30th March 2020
18:30 to 20:30 Cocktail party – sponsored by The FRMS Forum.
A cocktail reception for all delegates registered for the Forum’s conference, will be held in the hotel. It will start at 18:30.
Delegates are invited to explore Auckland’s excellent restaurants for their dinner afterwards. Please register your place for the cocktail party at the same time as you register for the conference on the website
31st March 2020
09:00 Welcome. Douglas Mellor. FRMSc Limited, United Kingdom.
09:10 Address: Mike Price Vice President International Operations. PHI.
09:15 Guidance Material for Helicopters. Dr Michelle Millar, ICAO (by Video link)
10:00 How fatigue risk management integrates with SMS and HSWA in NZ. Speaker Lesley Coubrough NZ CAA.
10:30 Points to consider when Introducing an FRMS to Helicopter operations. Matt Shrimpton PHI.
11:00 BREAK
11:30 The pilot’s view of FRMS. Speaker TBA (IFALPA representative).
12:00 The NZ Helicopter Association’s view of FRMS. Scott McKenzie (NZHA).
12:30 LUNCH
14:00 Current scientific knowledge and experience studying the reasons for fatigue in Helicopter Operations. A Panel session. Moderator: Dr. Barbara Stone. FRMSc supported by Dr Leigh Signal (Massey Sleep/Wake Research Centre) and Dr Adam Fletcher (Integrated Safety, Australia).
14:40 Discussion on the validity, or otherwise, of the use of PVT apps on personal devices, for assessing fitness to fly. Panel session with Dr Leigh Signal (Massey Sleep/Wake Research Centre) and Dr Adam Fletcher (Integrated Safety, Australia). Moderator Dr. Barbara Stone FRMSc Limited.
15:15 BREAK
15:45 The issues scheduling split shifts and/or consecutive night shifts for non RPT operations -a panel session. Moderator- Matt Shrimpton PHI.
16:15 Experiences gained introducing an alternative fatigue scheme to 24-hour HEMS operations. Speaker TBA.
16:45 Closing remarks
17:00 FINISH